Contains:  Extremely wide field
The Rise of Cygnus, Carl Gough

The Rise of Cygnus

The Rise of Cygnus, Carl Gough

The Rise of Cygnus



Acquisition details



The rise of Cygnus

I took this image and a tracked stacked sky on location in the early hours of Saturday 26th Feb'22. so technically Sunday. My suspicion was that the light pollution from surrounding areas would wash the detail in Cygnus away. This was and wasn't true. The details did show through but the light pollution on the Horizon was very distracting. So i decided to crop in the 24mm foreground image by eye to approximately match a 50mm lens to combine with a tracked 50mm Cygnus shot i had taken some time previously from my back garden. in an effort to keep realism and accuracy i removed the stars from the foreground image for 1 layer, which i blended with a low opacity. And then selected just the foreground landscape to add back over the top. This stopped the stars showing through. I then star aligned with my on site version and this is the final image.

Foreground is a single image. ISO 3200, 13sec exp, f2.8
Sky is a stack of 68 images ISO 3200, 45sec exp, f4



The Rise of Cygnus, Carl Gough